Hotel Komorník - Strmilov


ubytovaci prostory All rooms in hotel were completly reconstructed in 2010, so they follow requirements for modern acommodation. Every room has its own hall, bathroom and toalet. There are two single bed, eleven double bed, three triple bed and two apartments with two separate bedrooms with two beds in the hotel. Some of rooms has its own fridge. There is a option to rent TV on your room. There is a free Wi-fi conection in whole hotel.


  1. single room - 290,-Kč per person per night(1–2 nights price) and 250,-Kč per person per night (3 and more nights price)
  2. double room - 290,-Kč per person per night(1–2 nights price) and 250,-Kč per person per night (3 and more nights price)
  3. triple room - 290,-Kč per person per night(1–2 nights price) 250,-Kč per person per night (3 and more nights price)
  4. apartments - 290,-Kč per person per night(1–2 nights price)i a 250,-Kč per person per night (3 and more nights price)

Prices for acommodation are final including energy and recreation fees. Children under two year without bed-claim are for free, children under 10 have discount: 50,-Kč per night. There is limited count of TVs for rent. Rental fee is 50Kč per one day.

Pets are acommodet after previous preachment


acommodation of guests is possible after 14:00. For earlier onset, please contact us.


Rooms must be released to 10:00
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